lunedì 17 gennaio 2011

La bomba che non c'è

"L'Iran non avrà la bomba atomica prima del 2015"

Il titolo del post sintetizza semplicisticamente la notizia che ho perso nei giorni scorsi.
Riporta infatti  Hareetz che Meir Dagan, direttore uscente del Mossad, in occasione di una sua audizione di fronte alla Commissione Difesa ed Esteri della Knesset ha sostenuto che a causa di una serie di fallimenti e difficoltà* l'Iran non dovrebbe riuscire a dotarsi di un'arma nucleare prima del 2015:
"In a summary given to the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, Dagan said Iran was a long way from being able to produce nuclear weapons, following a series of failures that had set its program back by several years (...)
Dagan concluded his term saying Iran was still far from being capable of producing nuclear weapons and that a series of malfunctions had put off its nuclear goal for several years. Therefore, he said, Iran will not get hold of the bomb before 2015 approximately (...)
During his term, Dagan restored the Mossad’s reputation as an omnipotent organization whose reach extends to the ends of the earth − a myth that has contributed to Israel’s deterrence. Under his command, the espionage agency also regained its dominant status in the Israeli intelligence community and became a central player in the international arena. This was demonstrated in the numerous tete-a-tetes Dagan held with former U.S. President George Bush and other state leaders in Europe and the Middle East.
Dagan’s term centered around two main issues: the Iranian nuclear program; and the assassinations of Hezbollah and Hamas leaders and Iranian scientists, most if not all of which have been attributed to the Mossad.
The Israeli intelligence community’s assessments of Iran’s nuclear capability have changed during Dagan’s tenure. In 2003, Israeli intelligence officials thought Iran would have its first bomb by 2007. In 2007, they thought it would be 2009, and a year later they put it at 2011. Now the date has moved to 2015. These adjustments were not the result of mistaken evaluations, but due to the difficulties Iran has encountered in advancing its program, largely because of the Mossad’s efforts

Sul ruolo del Mossad all'interno della comunità d'intelligence israeliana si veda quest'altro articolo di Haaretz.

PS qui la grande gioia del Primo Ministro israeliano di fronte alla previsione di Dagan...

* Eufemismi per indicare "operazioni coperte" del Mossad gestione Dagan?

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